
How HUMSS changed my life?

Hi! I'm Robert T. Rosel a current grade 12 student taking HUMSS. I would like to point out right at the beginning, that I'm an introvert. I prefer being alone because I'm not good at public speaking and I really hate to be in a group of people. For me, being in a group is just a waste of time. I'm a kind of person who doesn't want to communicate with others, especially in public. However, as the years pass by, I realized that I don't have any friends. Being an introvert is challenging at times. Because I often prefer quiet or alone time, some I  seem cold, aloof, or even antisocial to others that are more extroverted in nature. If you think I'm weak, you're wrong. I like to talk with the people who understands me. However, I'm not interested in small talk. I am not shy. I just don't feel comfortable. Introversion is not a weakness or a disorder. As I mentioned earlier I'm not interested in small talk and it's weird to ask ques

What are the advantages of taking HUMSS?

HUMSS student like me, develop the ability to think critically, to question, solve problems, think out of box, communicate effectively, adapt to change and make decisions. HUMSS also offers a lot of benefits and opportunities.  This strand aims to encourage students to respect and understand the world around them, and to provide a skills base to facilitate further study. 

What are the profession in HUMSS?

The HUMSS strand offers more opportunities than other people think. Contrary to popular belief, not every HUMSS student dreams to become a politician. And if you’re sitting there thinking HUMSS students will get nowhere, this list of suggested and possible jobs will prove you so wrong. Here are SOME of the possible careers: President of the Philippines: Teacher: Lawyer: Army/Military: Psychologist: Politician:


 Students in HUMSS develop the needed knowledge and skills in bringing about positive change through the study of social science theories and concepts, community-based realities, study of culture, society and politics, discussion on moral issues. Humss strand revolves around improving the student in writing, reading, and comprehension skills. In addition, it helps you to gain necessary knowledge for you when you're entering college and to strengthen your logical reasoning. Humanities teach many fundamental skills such as critical thinking, analysis, and creativity. These skills would be the key for your future.

What is HUMSS?

HUMSS stand for Humanities and Social Sciences Strand. The HUMMS strand is designed for those who wonder what is on the other side of the wall. In other words, you are ready to take on the world and talk to a lot of people.