How HUMSS changed my life?

Hi! I'm Robert T. Rosel a current grade 12 student taking HUMSS. I would like to point out right at the beginning, that I'm an introvert. I prefer being alone because I'm not good at public speaking and I really hate to be in a group of people. For me, being in a group is just a waste of time. I'm a kind of person who doesn't want to communicate with others, especially in public. However, as the years pass by, I realized that I don't have any friends. Being an introvert is challenging at times. Because I often prefer quiet or alone time, some I  seem cold, aloof, or even antisocial to others that are more extroverted in nature. If you think I'm weak, you're wrong. I like to talk with the people who understands me. However, I'm not interested in small talk. I am not shy. I just don't feel comfortable. Introversion is not a weakness or a disorder. As I mentioned earlier I'm not interested in small talk and it's weird to ask questions like " If the Universe was born at the Big Bang, what existed before then?" .  People would surely look at me and say "weird". I'm not saying that being an introvert is bad, but we also need to consider that not all people are interested to talk about Egyptian mythology, Greeks God, or Big bang. When I was on grade 11, I enhanced my public speaking skills and I developed a great active listening skills. HUMSS really help me to be more active and now I have friends, and I realized that small talk matter. I'm not saying that I become an extrovert, I think somewhere in between. HUMSS changed the way I think, talk, and act. The reason is HUMSS immerses its students to different critical thinking and understanding activities in the learning process. Indulging every student to become socially aware of their environment. A strand that will give them an overview of what will they take part in their higher education. Be one of us! Choose HUMSS! Let us make a brighter future together.

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